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I am trying to send custom status text to my SITL application(it is standard simulation basen od
I am tryging to send simple message from pymavlink to MAVProxy command window.
autopilot.mav.statustext_send(6, 'D06DDDDDDDDDDDDD', force_m
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I would like to change transmission rate of few messages.
For start i would like to turn off sending RAW_IMU
In there is code
def request_data_stream_send(self, target_system, target_component, req_stream_id, req_message_rate, s
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Hello, I am trying to run simple SITL and read mavlink data.
I run SITL using
sudo python -v ArduCopter -m "--mav20" -f hexa --console --map -L WIPB
the -m argument is for extra MAVproxy argumentss.
Simulation starts to work, and MAVProxy
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I would like to ask where can I find lua library to communicate by MAVlink.
In python2.X it can me easy made using pymavlink.
I found that i can generate some lua code using but as i can see it is some kind of wireshark plugin?
I h
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I have the following problem. I'm trying to implement a filter Mahony / Madgwick used to estimate the orientation of the object.
STM32F401 processor which the accelerometer / magnetometer LIS303DLHC and gyroscope L3GD20.
My evaluation board
stm32f401 or
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