"Thanks, mP1, for answer,
I've done this steps 1 million times, motor outputs go up as I increase the throttle, but one go up higher, other lower and it loks like stairs. I've tried to do setup many times and nothing. And I think that problem is…"
"Thank you, Chris Anderson, for the answer:
"the short answer to your question is that it sounds like your ESCs have become decalibrated. Please go through the calibration process here: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/initial-setup/esc-motor/ "
Hi, everyone!At the last week I've got Iris by post. I've read all manuals. And I've decided that on the way to me (from USA to Germany) IMUs could be untuned and I must to calibrate sensors before flying. I've installed the Mission Planner,…