


Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Well I've flown airplanes and helicopters since I was about 12 yo. And the latter 10 years or so I've been tinkering with the idea of autonomus flight. I've looked into several different autopilot systems - most way too expensive. Then I came across ardupilot! ;-)



Activity Feed

Bent Are Haugland replied to Randy's discussion ArduCopter-3.0 ready for wider use
"Hi Folks!
And congrats on the stunning 3.0!
I loaded it the other day, calibrated everything and went out the same evening. Did a few turns in STAB, switched to ALT_HOLD - worked fine - then LOITER and watched my hexa just sit there for minutes! If…"
Jun 22, 2013
Bent Are Haugland left a comment on NO Ardupilot Group
Jeg har drevet litt med ardu i et par år nå. Litt fly (MPX Funcub+Twinstar) og i fjor høst tok jeg steget og handlet en Quadframe HEXA medium. Brukte da APM1.4 og den fløy ganske greit uten alt for mye tuning. Har nå handlet APM2.5 og Ublox…"
Feb 24, 2013