Denison, IA
About Me:
I just turned 59 in November of 2016, and out of the blue decided to teach myself about electronics. That went from lighting up LEDs on a breadboard through a transistor to playing with Arduino boards and shields in about a week or two. Then I sort of merged my new found interest in electronics with my long-held desire to fly a drone. I bought a Syma X5sc so I could learn to fly, but now I am building my own UAV. I have a Diatone FPV250 frame kit and will be using Raspberry Pi Zero coupled with a PXFMini flight board from Erle Robotics for the brains of the operation.
Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest
I'm not sure what is more fun, building them or flying them! At the moment I am building a FPV racing drone, but my long term goal is different than that. I eventually want to build a very nice flying video capture robot. It will not look as sleek as the DJI Phantom 3 Pro I don't think, but it will have similar functionality. At the moment I am leaning toward using the PXFMini flight board and a Raspberry Pi Zero for the brains of the thing, but that may change. Let me know your thoughts on the subject!