



Tallahassee, FL

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Developing software for UAVs



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Cameron Lattz left a comment on Telemetry over cellular IP
"Andreas, we are not using the dronecell. In my opinion it is not capable of transmitting video of good resolution. We are using an onboard computer running Ubuntu. I understand that bandwidth is not an issue, because the size of the telemetry data…"
May 29, 2012
Cameron Lattz left a comment on Telemetry over cellular IP
"The only real benefit of running data through a server is that the GCS could also be connected to the Internet via 3G. That solution would double the latency though.

@ContraSpec: It would work, but the latency would be much higher than a more…"
May 22, 2012
Cameron Lattz left a comment on Telemetry over cellular IP
"Ellis Akins and I are developing our own solution to telemetry and direct control over IP. We have successfully flown a quadrotor with a 3G TCP connection using a tethered Droid (for testing purposes...we will soon switch to 4G modem). Latency times…"
May 22, 2012
Cameron Lattz posted a discussion
I plan to (eventually) build my own GCS. So far, I've created a simple COM port rerouter (for sharing a COM port across a network) for my GCS. I will have the APM on the drone (drone is connected to PC by local wifi network) and I will have my GCS…
May 18, 2012