I needed 3D printing capability to develop my Propeller Shroud Project
So, I conceived and print another kind of propeller shroud, and I 3D printed it. It is a kit made in ABS, consisting of 9 parts, to be glued around the hub, and screwed for the outer parts.
This shroud can be used as a blade protection, and could interact slightly with the airflow. Curious about the aerodynamics effect of it, the propeller blade tip can be very close to the inner wall.
This was my first 3D printed project, and result can be amazing.
So, I ordered a 3d printer to go on developing my initial shroud project, looking for quite large printing size.
With this capability, all parts (stator/duct, rotor, hub/vanes) can be conceived and printed in an easier way than manual prototyping and hand molding.
The model here is for a 13" propeller, but any size, any kind of arm are possible.