Craig Hughes's Posts (1)

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ArduPilot using Arduino 1.0.5 and avr-gcc 4.8.1

I've merged the ardupilot code with the latest Arduino 1.0.5-r2 code (git version which is well on the way to 1.0.6), plus the avr-gcc 4.8.1 from the Arduino 1.5.x development branch.

Net result is the "latest" Arduino version, with ardupilot extensions and a compiler that reduces the flash size of ardupilot by about 20% or so.  Benchmarks indicate that 4.8.1 produces code that runs about 1.5-8x faster than the old compiler too, depending on the amount of I/O that's being done.  I haven't done any extensive benchmarking yet of ardupilot under the new compiler, but this should give more headroom for the kinds of features I'd like to add to the platform.

I'm actually working with ardupilot-mpng for the HK multiwii/megapirate AIO board, so I've added a board for that in the ardupilot menu in Arduino too.

I'm working on OSX, so I haven't updated the compiler for Linux/Windows, but it should be pretty easy to do that by modifying build/build.xml and downloading the 4.8.1 compiler toolchain for your platform from${file_arch} where ${file_arch} is your platform.

My github fork is at on the "develop" branch

You can download a pre-built (by me) OSX here:

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