From the WIKI: EKF / DCM Check Failsafe Copter 3.2 adds a DCM heading check and an EKF (Extended Kalman Filter - Pixhawk only) check to catch flyaways caused by a bad heading estimate......
I received two errors simultaneously in my log. ERR: EKF_CHECK-
Well today I got the Be-Gez scared out of me. Lifted off my 550 class Alien that is the sum of about two months work and over a $1000 only to lose control a few seconds into my flight. This build has about 10 flights on it. Most worked very well from
Running an APM mini 3.1 with the stable release 3.2 firmware. I had a series of events leading to this investigation. I performed an auto land with a 550 class drone. 15" CF props and 30a generic SimonK ESC's. The auto land went pretty well and settl
My question is the APM 2.0 and APM planner capable of controlling my bird? Four servos control the pitch of each rotor and the esc will run in the constant RPM mode.
Right now, I have the servos connected respectively to outputs 1-4 and by moving the
Decided to scratch build a quad with collective pitch. First step was CAD drawings, finished June 2012. The mechanical portion was next and is now complete as of August 2012. Next persuade software to talk collective. Any one have ideas about that? U