



Mount Vernon, WA

About Me:

Retired USMC Gunnery Sergeant, Social Studies teacher in Washington State. Also former NJROTC Naval Science Instructor (NSI), and currently involved in Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Ground SAR. Taught limited STEM curriculum involving CyberPatriot (cyber-security competition), submersible ROVs, specifically SeaPerch sponsored by AUVSI and the Office of Naval Research when an NSI, as well as National Ocean Science Bowl (NOSB), 'Orca Bowl' oceanography competition. Also involved with local county Ground SAR.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Civil Air Patrol (CAP) has an aerial SAR component with Cessna aircraft manned by CAP adults, the Ground SAR component is mostly made up of adolescents, some middle school but mostly high school aged Cadets. There is tremendous STEM and specifically Aerospace Education resources within CAP. I would like to have the Cadets build a UAV (either fixed wing or rotary wing-helicopter) that we could use within an FAA approved flight area max ceiling 400 feet AGL to extend the eyes of the Ground SAR teams to include cameras and IR capability. Talk about a learning and practical experiential activity! Are there UAV kits for under $500.00?


Mount Vernon, Washington

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