


About Me:

Drone enthusiast

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Since I was a little boy I was so interested to things that could fly


Viana do Castelo

Activity Feed

Daniel Pedro Ferreira Lopes replied to Daniel Pedro Ferreira Lopes's discussion Make an Autonomous Drone. Which parts should I choose?
"Thank you so much! So, you're saying that it is possible to control Naza Lite via Raspberry right?

Do I need to install something on my Pi? Crady von Pawlak said:
Hey Daniel, It's simple enough to send commands to a FC via basic PWM on the Rx…"
Sep 19, 2016
Daniel Pedro Ferreira Lopes posted a discussion
Hello everyone, I'm a new member and I'm currently doing my master thesis.The basic point of my work is to connect a raspberry pi (that will run OpenCV) that, according to camera video will send a signal to a flight controller (like pixhawk) move…
Sep 18, 2016