1.) My Futaba R7008SB telemetry reads the voltage perfectly and it's connected basically to the same place.
2.) Voltage from the attopilot is not linear so Pixhawk can't do anything about that. I would say the…"
"I don't think this can cause that big of a difference. Because I've measured current and voltage with different devices, including one in Futaba R7008SB receiver. All of them are in 0.1V the same. So, I don't really get how the Futabas R7008SB…"
In fact, I've ordered second attopilot 180 A because I thought that maybe I damaged it while soldering. I was very careful with second one when soldering and it's the same.
Hello people!I'm having problems with my Attopilot 180A voltage and current sensor.I know people had similar problems but can't find any solution.Here is my story:I have 1.000 mm octocopter (6S 16.000 mAh), around 50 A at hover, Pixhawk.I've…