"Sorry - I had the wrong field selected in the HUD. Looks like the rxrssi field is getting the correct rssi readings but its not being passed onto the minimOSD properly. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
"Hi Mike - I am using the same receiver but having some issues with the value displayed in the Mission planner HUD for rx RSSI and what is displayed in minimOSD value. The values in MP HUD look all fine but the value in the OSD drops to zero and i…"
"Further to this it seems that there actually no RSSI readings been seen by the APM 2.5 board itself ?? I have set the A0 pin for RSSI in the Full Parameter List and added an RC Filter. Any idea why the RSSI readings aren't been seen by the board?…"
"I am having some issues with my RSSI readouts. I am using a Frsky Delta 8 rx (Aurora 9 tx) and im not sure if my RSSI reading are not displaying correctly via the APM 2.5 / minimOSD or if the issue lies elsewhere. I have added the filter with your…"
"Hi Guys - How can I disable the "Battery Low" warning?
I have no voltage/current sensor connect to my APM2.5 so this warning continually flashes. I have tried setting both the Min Battery voltage and the Battery remaining % to zero but it doesn't…"