"Thanks for the feedback here and via PM. Send me a pm with your mail and I can send you the invitation and the Statuten.
Don't forget to tell this to all other your friends.
You can stay in contact also by mail: dominik at jenzer dot ch."
"Vorankündigung: Gründung des Interessenvereins RPAA für unbemannte LuftfahrzeugeHallo
Alle haben ihren Interessensvertreter. Die General Aviation, der Segelflug, Heli, Ballone und nicht zuletzt auch der Modellflug. Doch wer vertritt die Interessen…"
In the current version 1.3.7 is something strange. I can change the language from german to english, then I have to restart. Well, after restart, the language is still german (also in the setting). Does it take from the operating system or…"