"For anyone trying to fly indoors, I recommend laying down that foam padding that's used under carpeting, it has tons of surface texture (since it's the padding thats made of small chunks of multicolored foam) and it also provides some cushion for…"
"Interesting. It must've been fixing some other issue with my quad then. To be clear, it was the setting labeled "Loiter PID" in the upper right hand corner of Mission Planner's settings that appeared to "fix" my loiter issues. The settings…"
Under ideal Optical Flow conditions on a typical 450 class quadcopter (lots of incandescent light, varied ground texture, focused PX4flow, tuned PID settings, and altitude of ~1 meter) how much X-Y drift should we expect to see in…"
"It's hard to tell from such a short flight, but it looks like the quad may be drifting on X-Y axes. I had this problem (my Loiter using OF was drifting back and forth) and was able to significantly improve it by going into Mission Planner and…"