"Hey Zack,
When reading from mag in pass through mode do you still address the device via the MPU9150_DEFAULT_ADDRESS =0x68; or do you use MPU9150_RA_MAG_ADDRESS = 0x0C?"
What part of the code do you need this is for read a register on the chip?
void i2cinit(){ TWIF.MASTER.BAUD = 35; //32000000/(2(5(35)))=400000 //TWIF.MASTER.CTRLB = TWI_MASTER_SMEN_bm;//+TWI_MASTER_QCEN_bm; TWIF.MASTER.CTRLA =…"
"I finally got the i2c working on a Xmega128a1U but I am trying to understand how I can read all 9 value at the same time? By same time I mean that the values were all clocked in from the ADC's at the same time. So I don't want values for another…"