



Rio de Janeiro

About Me:

Produtor de Drones - Empresa Bons Voos

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Building and project of UAV


Rio de Janeiro

Activity Feed

Fernando Ramos replied to Lily Wang's discussion FMK24-L5200 Altitude Holding Radar For Drone Flight Controller
"I wonder if the protocol that it operates already exists any similar in the standard ArduCopter firmware, if so, which one will I use? Is Rngfnd_type and whether Lidar360's Serial_Protocol will fit well, or do we have to make one?"
Nov 29, 2019
Fernando Ramos posted a discussion
Hi Guys,Today I went through a problem that had never happened before.I made a mission with points of passage to test the range of my telemetry, the plane did everything right, took off, arrived at the correct altitude until the WAYPOINT 6, after,…
Mar 9, 2019