"Hi,I tried new arducopter 3.2.1 megapirate branch. And my 3dr radio telemetry works very good on serial port1,TX1/RX1 at 57600 baud.hirosi takey, Good job! Greetings and thanks!"
"Hi Jose Antonio,yes i'm using a 3DR radio.I saw this information recently about Arducopter 3.2.1 in APM"there are the following serial ports:SERIAL0: this is always the USB serial port and it is possible to use it only with MAVLink protocol.…"
"Hi:I'm trying this version 3.2.1. My FC is a Crius V2 with version 3.1.5 telemetry was present in TX3 / RX3, but now only is working on serial port 0 at 115000 baud. I use a external compass, it works fine connected in Ic2 port ,but the trace on…"