I just uploaded a new buid script for x86 pc ( build_rtkbase_QT5_x86.sh ) you can try it, if it doesn't work , try to instaall qtcreator with qt5 (https://www.qt.io/download ) and choose RTKBASE.pro to compile the project . you can try the…"
"HelloThe winter project was dona and is working well, a new branch was created in the github with original (clean)release, the master branch is still in progress but looks like working with NOAA server for USAHere is a video of post processing with…"
"Nice, you got it working! A new release of RTKlib is out : 2.4.3b29 a lot of things have changed and it don"t work yet with RTKbase, library nuild work with a few errors but RTKbase build get a fatal error, I trying to update rtkrcv.c and str2str.c,…"
"You should have satellites in about 30 sec/1mn max, so there is a problem, I tried to compile master branch and use it with a Ublox M6T and M8T and it works and got sattelites (using a Ntrip base on internet), try to use beta with 2.4.3, I saw that…"
"I uploaded in the master the lib directory, now it work with the build script , I think the errors "unused declared value" could be see in the build log"
"I tried too on the raspberry pi 3 with the master updated in 2.43. It didn't work at first try with build script and make clean/qmake/make then I copy the whole lib folder from version beta, there was still some "unused declared value" in library…"
"Perhaps you have to do it without the build script, go to the folder RTKBASE/lib/RTKLIB the run make_library.sh , then go to the RTKBASE folder and try make clean and make to see in the console if the build goes well"
"To Glrnn
I didn't saw the source code on the page, in fact yes you can try to copy the src directory from demo5 source to RTKbase then rebuild the library.
Tell me if it worked for you"
"To install on a Pi 2 you can use the preinstalled image for Pi2 , the source is still the same on the master, I just add a Beta1.1 branch on the Github . If you use the RPI2 image you may have to update the RTKlib library to latest 2.43, the beta…"
"We updated the RTKlib library to latest 2.43b12 , the wiki is also updated with installation instruction for splashscreen and assembly instructions.
The first post was edited for better explanations of the Rtkbase. a small rover device for…"
"A new vidéo of a mounted RTKbase in his box, test in rover mode to get position in PPP-static with Ntrip correction via wifi and use this position in basestation mode to send RTCM3 message to a rover for RTK positionning
"Nice work Drotek, it's important to have real measurement of the précision from a L1 RTKlib solution with highend L1/L2 to do that.
We are impatient to se the resusults od the tests in "real world""
The project is now released on the Github at : https://github.com/Francklin2/RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI
You will find there the source code with pré-compiled files, part list, install manual and 3D printing files. the user manual is still in…"
HelloThis is a open source software of a touchscreen GUI for RTKlib made for a Rasperry Pi 2 and the 5 inch HDMI touchscreen, the software is done with QT 4.5 on a Raspian OS.(can work on any linux machine too)This project was developped by a…