When I try to "pick previous firmware" on the firmware screen, I get the following:I am using Windows XP with a freshly installed .net framework up to version 4.Is this a .net 4.5.1 issue ??error02.png
"I tried that also :
ap_latitude = ap_latitude * -1;
But for some reason while the latitude was showing the correct numerical value , it was constantly cycling from negative to positive on the Taranis display."
"I could not leave it alone and after some trial and error I have a GPS solution that works on a pro mini.
If somebody could explain why it works I would be grateful.
What I came up is this :-
"I looked at the "parseStatusText(statustext.severity, statustext.text)" and you are correct. not that I ever doubted you, I commented out a heap of strings and the data started flowing.
Unfortunately I am punching far above my weight range and have…"
"I have tested your latest commit on a pro mini and still no go.
Still have to comment out
parseStatusText(statustext.severity, statustext.text); to get the data to flow
and the GPS is still garbled numbers."