"Francisco K, Good advice. However, whilst the local UK police forces might take this on board, Cloe's local constabulary may not be able give it sufficient priority.
For example, a drone was found in a garden recently. The police advised the…"
"Earthpatrol, Heard today that about 380,000 drone owners have registered (or is that drones are registered?) Also that fines will be incurred on those found not to be registered after 19th..? The sums under RC Tech.se's point are about $54 million…"
"You mentioned the police. Also you may consider checking the law with either a solicitor or the local Citizens Advice Bureau, eg regarding your privacy and say, an injunction. If you feel threatened or believe criminal intent see the local police,…"
the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) rather than the police.
Also, the Information Comissioner may like to have full details regarding any photogrphs / videos being taken and stored in the person's archives - he/she should be…"