



Buenos Aires

About Me:

Electronic engineer. Going for the PhD.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Mainly academic studies, nonlinear controls and nonlinear filters/observers.


Buenos Aires

Activity Feed

Gon Castillo replied to Hussien Jarrar Atieh's discussion What is the purpose of the PPM encoder in APM2?
"Thanks John!

This is the answer is was looking for.

Best regards,
Nov 24, 2017
Gon Castillo replied to Hussien Jarrar Atieh's discussion What is the purpose of the PPM encoder in APM2?
"Hey guys!
I am developing my own quadcopter, so I first started by buying an Arduino Uno + MPU9250 (IMU and mag) + GPS. I tested it and it went well. Since I my goal is to work with code and not hardware, I bought an APM 2.8 board so I would have…"
Nov 20, 2017