Grant Parker's Discussions (5)

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Learning the Basics

Hey everyone, Grant here.

Right now, I want to build a UAV system (most likely with the new Skywalker frame) that has a range of >3km, and HD FPV video. I'm training on an EasyStar now, then either going to add FPV to it or make the switch to the Skyw

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FPV help

Hey, I'm trying to mod the Multiplex Easystar and put a FPV camera in it. I don't want to spend all the money on the full UAV thing, but I want to have a home arrow and the battery life displayed on my screen. Can anyone tell me what I'll need to get

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UAV Help

I'm new here, and have a lot of questions, so here goes.I'd like to make a UAV that can fit all the following requirements:2+ hours flight time(if not possible, what's the highest flight time?)2 cameras- 1 FPV, 1 on bottom for downward viewIncreased

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