"I don't think you understood what I was saying. I wasn't suggesting removing the ground wire to the BEC. I was suggesting a jumper between the ground pins of the APM's output side and the ground pins of the APM's input side."
I haven't seen anyone bring this up yet. Imagine I have a single battery for my craft. I have the 3DR power module plugged in to the battery, and then it powers the APM via the PM port. The power module then sends the battery onto the ESC, which…
"There's one big thing I think we're all missing here. Imagine I"m using one battery to power the plane, and a BEC on the output rail. Even if I have JP1 open, the servo return current, can still go back to the battery via the ESC leads OR the APM…"
I can't get it to give me a signal. Configtool says can't talk to bootloader. I tried to use an ISP to reload the bootloader, but AVR studio can't communicate with it either. Could it be fried? Any check I can do to see if it's still alive?