This Pan/Tilt is outfitted with a long distance 433MHz antenna and receiver (5V, GND, Video, Audio) with completely separate wiring from the rest of the system. It can be used for a variety of loads such as cameras, telescopes or different antenna/re
This Parallax brand prototyping board has everything you need to prototype electronics on a variety of platforms. Although designed for (and includes) a Parallax Propellor, because the board offers 5V and 3.3V logic and power, ANY platform including:
This kit boots right up into a touch screen GUI ready to run your favorite Linux code. This is the best way to learn BeagleBone and save hours of setup and wiring time; everything is plug-n-play and ready to go.
I would like to use something besides the 3DR Power module such as the 180A AttoPilot current sensor from SparkFun or one of my own design based on an Allegro Hall Effect chip.How is an alternative power module implemented? Is there a published pin o