"It worked great for me on auto. I don't have it set up now, but it seemed like I did have to tell it to expect GPS input on the port I used (if it wasn't the standard GPS one).
I wish I could help more, but I didn't have that problem."
"GGA was good enough for me.
I'm not sure on why you don't see the data.
We moved away from the Polulo broad as we built a datalogging board to constantly record the GPS coordinates. This board does the level shifting and passes the shifted signal…"
Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. We had snow storms and then the beginning of the semester that kept me from checking for a week or two and then I lost the messages.
I setup the Trimble to export standard GGA. It worked great…"
It did work once I used a level shifter. I used the Pololu 2301a Serial Adapter as I could get it fully assembled. I just had to make a jumper from the Pixhawk's connector to standard headers which made it easy to implement. The RTK GPS was…"
"Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't considered that yet, but it would let me run both without having to rewire everything every time I wanted to try something different with them.
"Thanks. I believe that answers all my questions about the connection. It sounds like you have made it almost plug-n-play. I guess I should have just tried plugging it in after level shifting the signals. I'm so used to these communication protocols…"
I have a Pixhawk system with all the standard 3DR peripherals (telemetry radio, GPS). I need to replace the 3DR GPS with another GPS unit so that I can conduct some tests with higher accuracy. I have a Trimble RTK unit and others at work that I want…