There may have been more than one discussion of shrouded props, but after reading the threads and a great deal of the reference material on prop design, I am more interested in a variation on previous discussions I also have more to ask that I have
Has anyone got a schematic for a 'wired' control to increase the RPM of a motor (with prop attached) from 0 to 100%. I would prefer not to use a Tx/Rx/Flight Controller.
Imagine if the motor were a light bulb, I am looking for the 'dimmer' circuit. I
Are there any thrust stands that evaluate the lifting capabilities of the entire multirotor, and not just one motor/prop combination? Are the thrust characteristics such as efficiency of one motor the same when it is installed in the UAV with all the
When thinking through the three different designs, I am pondering what would be the desirable traits of a Tri, Quad, or Hex, if the overall flight capability of each were the same in terms of the same lift, endurance, and speed.
Where are the best resources for cameras with a FOV of around 40 degrees? This is equivalent to what we commonly call a "normal" focal length. And, once we find this lens, where would I find a 1" sensor at about 20 MP with a similar "Normal" lens tha
Can the PIXHAWK be programmed to do specific flight routines? I am curious about flipping a quad or hex and then flying inverted by simply issuing a single command. (I am just a curious guy.)
I have read a number of threads related to shrouded propellers. And, if the primary goal were to significantly improve the safety of a drone used for close inspection of buildings and roofs, then any net efficiency gain would simply be a bonus. Base
are there some inherent differences between quad copters and hexacopters. What would make a designer choose 4 or 6 propellers? Is there a sweet spot for lift capacity with a quad vs the sweet spot for lift capacity of a hex? What is that sweet spot?