I am having an issue trying to connect Andropilot to my quad. I have tower services running and Droid planner 3 aka Tower and it works great. Andropilot keeps looking for vehicle? Are different service drivers needed for Andropilot? I tried this
Hey guys, I am building a new Tri copter and was bench testing my copter and was having an issue with one of the motors not starting properly. I thought i had an ESC issue so I was investigating the ESC and wiring. I was applying throttle on the b
I have some old RC 75Mhz radios and receivers that I want to use for my first quad. My equipment is Futaba Skysport 6 and want to give it a try before investing in 2.5 gear. Any of you guys using 75 MHZ gear for your quads? Also I need help findin