Joonas's Discussions (4)

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Motor redundancy with PID tuning

Has anyone managed to get proper motor redundancy on hexa with PID tuning?

According to my tests, it seems that attitude control loop is just not strong enough(not enough authority) to correct for the missing motor. I have tested this by removing the

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Linearizing motor thrust

Hello all!

I did some litle tinkering with the code to change the motor commands to actually represent the produced thrust, so that if you give esc pwm command of 50%, it would actually correspond to 50% thrust and so on.


Graph might make it clearer. B

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Inertia navigation

I was just wondering if someone has already tried some sort of inertia navigation on arducopter platform? I at least could not find all that many discussions regarding this matter so I would assume there is something essential that I am missing.



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Odd flip on 2.0.35 (log included)



2.0.35 seems to be working rather nicely, but we had rather odd flip today where the chopper would rapidly flip around to its right side while I was landing it on simple mode. The flip seemed as if the right side motor would have just shut down

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