My first test of basic functions with the new 3dr Gimbal on the Solo. Wind was light at 5-10mph. Temp was 87 at 6pm. GoPro Hero 4 Bk 1920x1080. Peau 4.35mm lens (yes there is slight discoloration in the corners). I'm no pro video editor..just the bas
Was flying my 800 size Hex with APM 2.6, which I have had for about 10 months and has always flown great. Today I was flying only about 100 yards out when it would no longer respond to any input. I was in Alt hold at the time and it drifted wit
I have the 3.1 on my hex and it seems to be flying pretty well. I could use some help though in getting Autotune to engage. I have been through the instructions and tips at the beginning of this thread. The 2 position switch has plenty of throw and w