"In case someone needs custom Market Research Reports from commercial drone industry, you can go to DroneAnalyst. They have many phd papers https://writemyessaytoday.net/ from Singidunum University and CompTIA's research by students. My trends report…"
How did you connect your drone and smartphone? Curious about the results of your bachelor thesis. Did you have a drone’s respective app?
You can also read this pdf --> Android Drone: Remote quadcopter control with a phone | computer…"
"Our teacher was obsessed with drone math lesson plans: like this one > Drones and Integrals Project http://customwritingcompany.com/ math homework. We had to fly a drone and then got it's flight data which we analyzed in our project. Each student…"
"Joshua Bardwell has lots of practical recommendations related to diy quadcopter building on YouTube.
My senior level students are participating in the ASME Student design competition. The budget for each project (they are in groups of 5) is $300.…"
I'm teaching a course in Airobotics and Aerial Photogrammerty. One of the modules is Aerial system and 3D site modeling. I tried 3dsurvey as a teaching tool, but it is not supporting all the features we need to discuss with students. Perhaps,…"