"@Ikaros, thanks! We indeed have had GPS problems, so we have two of those and switch based on satellite coverage and pitch angle. The 900MHz back up datalink link has two antenna's. (one for hover, one for fwd). The Iridium antenna is placed at 45…"
"Interesting numbers!
So, we aim for 9.2A at 35 knots, and 20A during hover. Both with 2 x 6S in parallel (i.e. 4kg AUW). It can lift up to at least 4.2 kg with good controllability, we did not test the limit yet. It can stay hovering for a long time…"
"@Chris, thank you!. We have not experimented with larger control surfaces in practice. However, the moment we started using our current surfaces in the hover control loop greatly increased controllability. I suppose that if you really want to, you…"
In the early design stage we considered that we may need to land with the wing in parallel with the wind. Since the competition will go ahead with up to 30 knots wind, we needed quite some torque to make that happen with such a big…"
"Thank you all for the post and for the encouraging words!
Let me clear up a few things:
The standard configuration is 2 6S batteries of 4500mAh each. Depending the weather conditions during the Outback challenge we may go for 3 of those, or vary…"