Erle Robotics launches new version of the OS.
The image release under codename "escarlata"
The image includes support for:
- Erle-Brain 2.
- PXFmini with Raspberry Pi 0.
- PXFmini with Raspberry Pi 1.
- PXFmini with Raspberry Pi 2.
- PXFmini with Raspberry Pi 3.
The image includes the following updates:
- Robot_blockly updated with new blocks (save file etc) now listen at port 1036.
- Modification of the file system for greater stability.
- Latest version of binaries (ArduCopter, ArduPlane, APMrover2...).
For the Raspberry Pi 3, includes the following features:
- Tensor Flow.
- ROS indigo.
- MAVROS 0.15.0.
- Support for all ardupilot vehicles.
- Includes latest binaries (ArduCopter, APMrover, ArduPlane...).
- Support for Erle-Spider
- Robot_blockly, now listen at port 1036.
This image also includes the possibility of choosing your vehicle with a simple click.
You can find support in our forum and request the image in our docs.
Products compatible with this image: