Just wanted to share a photo of my Aeroquad cyclone.I have flown at least 25 successful autonomous
missions with this Quad.In my humble opinion the 3DR pixhawk is simply the best autopilot out there!
Just wanted to share a photo of my Aeroquad cyclone.I have flown at least 25 successful autonomous
missions with this Quad.In my humble opinion the 3DR pixhawk is simply the best autopilot out there!
Aeroquad with pixhawk,3dr radios,3dr gps/mag,teensey 3.1 for telemetry to taranis.Using 3.2 firmware with stock pid's.I completed 4 autonomous missions using mission planner(GCS) and all 4 were flawless!Love the aeroquad setup.picture attached.
This a video of the "bucket avoidance test".I installed 2 mb-1040 maxbotix sonar sensors and a actobotics pan and tilt I modified hitec digital servos for 360 degree rotation in X Y axis.
This is F.L.O.O.P.Y. 42. The Robot uses 2 12 volt batteries(24v) controller is a dimension engineering 2x25. It is currently using a APM 2.6 with external compass and gps purchased from 3DRobotics.The drive system are 2 power chair motors
operating at 24volts.Also has 1240 maxbotic sonar on front left of vehicle.The frame is 3/4 inch angle with a plexiglass
platform.The shroud is from an old dehumidifier (lol).Also has 3drobotics telemetry (antenna seen front left.) The APM is
using a power module supplied by a 3 cell lipo 2450mah.Graphics are from build a sign.
I would like to thank everyone on this forum for their help in answering all of my questions during the build. And I
would like to shout out a special thanks to TCIII for his help especially compass calibration and setup.
See Video on you tube of new improved Floopy 42