Hello all ...I've just recently been having issues with my GPS not working. I noticed it when I was trying to get my quad to RTL and it didn't want to listen.When I run the test from the terminal on the gps it gives me ublox ok, but #sats is always…
"David, thats a good point. As many warnings about the battery the better probably. I have the FrSky module in my Turnigy 9x, so I have telemetry reporting my battery voltage, but that still screwed me. I need something else that also screams at…"
"Also ....
To answer your question about the battery, why NiMh doesn't have a low voltage cut off and LiPo does: This is because you can discharge a NiMh battery to empty (preferred if I'm not mistaken) and recharge without issue, but a LiPo batter:…"
"Hey Brett,
One thing that I noticed that stood out to me was the rating on your battery. 25C seems a bit low for 20A max motors. That works out to 55A max output from your battery ...
I am a newb though, so take this with a grain of salt. I would…"