



Grand Rapids, MI

About Me:

I am a Physics Student at Colorado College with a passion for building everything. If I see something cool, I want to understand how it works and make it myself. Once I start a build, I see it to completion.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I am interested in making large drones capable of a 200kg payload. My overarching goal is to make building these types of vehicles more accessible by putting together a manual on how to build these kind of drones.


Grand Rapids, MI

Activity Feed

Logan Henning posted a discussion
Hello Drone Community!I am a couple of months into a big octocopter project and need a little bit of help. First off to describe what I’m doing: I am building an EV manned octocopter and I am hoping to make this project as open source as possible.…
Sep 22, 2021
Logan Henning is now a member of diydrones
Sep 21, 2021