"It's good to see Arducopter user group.
and I hope I can get a answer here for my quest, that was not responded on my previous discussions that was posted in technical support section.
pleae help!
For my Tilt Rotor Quad Project.
I am looking for…"
It's been several month, since I started this project, and this project is not moving forward as I have hoped and anticipated, due to my lack of expertise and technical diffulties involved.Diy Drones have a lot of talented people that they actively…
"I did not think this is going to generate that much interest, and I just realized my old Iphone's picture quality is horrible.
This is picture of my first protection frame that I build by using drywall tape epoxy over Dow Corning's 1" thick…"
I went through some crashes on my Quad, and this is my solution.It worked real well, I don't buy props that often now days!I tried to reply to comments, but my reply link does not work or that may be me, who don't know how.Anyway, to answer comment;…