"So after a few more crashes and alot of testing and troubleshooting I think the problem was coming from my large pan tilt servos. I am working on a power config that might allow these large servos to work properly with the apm 2.5. I am currently…"
"Test results as of 4-26-13-- Well I have bad news and more bad news. I enabled all logs and launched with the new configuration. I did not plug in either pan or tilt servo. I also set my switch between telemetry and osd to the telemetry option. …"
I recently purchased a batch of your apm 2.5 with the 3dr power supply and gps.I have installed an apm 2.5 in a skywalker 1900 fully loaded with fpv osd and telemtry. There have been two crashed that seem hardware/software related. The first crash…