



New York

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

The Matlab UAV toolbox


New York

Activity Feed

Megan Fox replied to Stewart Lilley's discussion ArduRocket
"An inevitable offshoot of some of the cool autonomous robotics (plane, copter, boat and more...) comes an project to create and provide open source telemetry incuding controlling a GUIDED rocket with controlled canard fins. https://onlyup-game.io"
Aug 2, 2023
Megan Fox replied to Ian Rosaaen's discussion DJI supports Russia
"Drone exams will involve a thorough inspection of all major parts of the drone, including motors and propellers, GPS modules, obstacles avoidance sensors, ultrasonic sensors, electronic speed controllers (ESC), power socket modules, and main camera…"
May 15, 2023
Megan Fox is now a member of diydrones
Apr 21, 2022