I'm always on the look out for a "perfect" plane. What I've learned is that there is no such thing, every airframe is a compromise. The idea now is to find the most versatile aircraft. This might be it.
There has been a lot of buzz around this plane at FPVLAB and RCG. Range Video has been releasing tantalizing clips and updates for the past 6 months. According to their site, it goes on sale in February.
I'm particularly excited about this plane because it is designed to be versatile. It breaks down easily for storage and transportation, and will ship with two wing configurations. Additional wing extensions can be added for endurance and potential soaring. They have even proposed adding an additional fuselage.
The nose houses an integrated (no glare) pan tilt that is compatible with a GoPro.
A gentleman who goes by boopidoo on the forums is one of the designers and has posted a lot of good info.
The Range Video page has been updated with flight clips and shots from the manual.
Thus far, I've liked everything I've seen. I'm hoping this turns out to be my "perfect" plane. I can't wait to see some build logs and flight reviews. Ideally, someone will build one with APM 2.5 and share their experiences.