I was wondering why chris and jordy use binary gps format, because I didn't know the instability of getting gps data then.I'm using gps module that has MTK chipset so I can't use arduipilot binary gps parser.There has been periodic breaking of gps data. But I can't get rid of it for a whileToday I realize the problem comes from the speed difference between gps module and arduino.Periodic breaking of gps data arises only when arduino do the other hard work beside gps parsing.So I come to think it's arduino serial port buffer overflows problem.then, my solution is repeat parsing until $GPRMC sentence comes and then go to calculate distance and bearing lolP.S. I'm making USV(unmanned sea vehicle?) ArduPilot and BlimpDuino codes are very good reference for meActually my code is mashup of ArduPilot and BlimpDuino and Maarten Lamers's NMEA library and ladyada's gps test program and a lot of my bugsThank you very much Chris and Jordy and everyone above.Is this a sea vehicle? On not yet. It is test bed for it
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