When specifying the --master parameter in mavproxy I've noticed that using UDP it will listen for packets whereas using TCP is will try and make a connection. Is there any way to get mavproxy to listen for a TCP connection from anther machine that…
I think something is not configured correctly on my end. Here are the commands I typed:$ python mavproxy.py --master=/dev/cu.usbserial-A1011P1K --baud=57600Logging to mav.tlogMAV> online system 1 component 50APM: [mavlink pm] sending…
"So is your 3G router on the plane configured with a dyndns static IP address that forwards the incoming TCP connection from the GCS to the WiFi->Serial->APM?
Then do you also have a dyndns IP for your GCS machine so the out-going UDP packet stream…"
"This has been dead for a while. Does anyone know where I can find the latest version of the library. I just got a DroneCell and Arduino Cellular Shield so I'd like to test them with APM 2 for telemetry data.
"I don't understand how you get the telemetry data from the APM out to your home machine and vice versa. The video stream's destination is programmed using the RPi, but how is the destination of the telemetry data programmed?"
"EDIT: It looks like the most simple solution is mavproxy.py to receive the telemetry data. But can you send commands to the APM over telemetry with mavproxy?"
Hey guys,I'm new to this so much be using the wrong terminology but this is what I'm trying to achieve:I have a 3DR Radio Telemetry Kit - 915 Mhz (US) and I would like to send "Fly to here" commands to my drone which is operating in "guided mode"…
Hey guys,I want to write a Python program to parse my Tlog files to do some automatic analysis. Does anyone know where I can find the file format of the binary .tlog files?Nick