I'm trying to use www.ros.org/wiki/rosserial to control and communicate with my ardupilot-mega. When I include ros.h I get compilation errors that I believe are caused by some incompatibility with one of the other libraries APM uses. Has anyone seen
I'm experiencing a variable drift in my yaw gyro of my oilpan IMU shield. The drift is about .01 degrees per second on average. Is this normal? Will adding a magnetometer help reduce this drift?
I'm trying to publish my Ardupilot's state information over serial (usb or xbee) to my computer running a ROS node listening to those serial messages and publishing the corresponding topic.
I am currently running the latest ardupilot software and mavl
I'm trying to publish my Ardupilot's state information over serial (usb or xbee) to my computer running a ROS node listening to those serial messages and publishing the corresponding topic.I am currently running the latest ardupilot software and mavl