"Thanks Tommy, could you also please give my the VLC command line that you use?
I've been playing with the Grabby device on my windows and for some reason the video quality seems lower than the cloned easy cap that I have."
"you can power it from an UBEC, no need for USB hub. you can strip an USB cable extender, cut the PLUS and GND wires and connect them to the UBEC while also keeping the GND connected to the RPI to have a common GND between all 3 devices (rpi,…"
"@Tommy: I got my Terratec device a few days ago but didn't have time to install it because it was too nice outside :). Could you please give me some tips before I start installing it? Shall I power it separately from the very begging? Thanks!"
"crazy and possibly stupid idea incoming ...
guys, what about using an USB to Ethernet adapter? if such an adapter would work with the Easycap then we could have the easycap driver running directly on the ground station whereas the RPI would just…"
"Webcams have different characteristics than FPV Cams or action cameras such as GoPro. No wide angle lenses, different CMOS that is meant to be used indoors and not outdoors, and so on.
And webcams are also problematic on RPI, only a few models work…"
When I ordered my easycap I hoped it will be STK1160 cause I've seen reports from ppl making them work but instead I got stuck with the clone one. When you buy such a device they don't tell you what version they are. Unless someone points…"
"Regarding MJPEG, I've seen people having success with mjpg streamer on RPI using USB webcams. have you tried the mjpg streamer with your Terratec adapter? I am just curious how this would work in comparison to VLC streaming. I expect mjpg streamer…"
"My EasyCap is a clone, like all EasyCaps are and it is seen by the RPI as:
ID 1c88:0007 Somagic, Inc. SMI Grabber (EasyCAP DC60+ clone) (no firmware) [SMI-2021CBE]
I did a quick research to see if anyone made this work but couldn't find any success…"
"I was under the impression that the TERRATEC is the one you had working already, that's why I ordered it :). Which one did you have before?
And btw, do you know how much current do the Easycap devices need? I know that the RPI may not supply too…"