



Palm Coast, FL

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Hobby mostly, fixed wing and quadcopters, FPV and just pure fun. Eventually (once the FAA gets it together) I hope to use professionally


palm coast

Activity Feed

Riccardo parola commented on Trent at MyGeekShow's blog post NCR18650B - The Future of RC Aircraft Batteries?
"Not really,
I simply look at the cell's specs. I'm currently experimenting with e-fest because of higher discharge rate, I'm using them in non parallel on a small racer quad and the NCRs C rating is too low for it unless in parallel. Liking it more…"
Apr 12, 2015
Riccardo parola commented on Trent at MyGeekShow's blog post NCR18650B - The Future of RC Aircraft Batteries?
"Yes, use Lipo setting"
Apr 11, 2015
Riccardo parola commented on Scott Berfield's blog post Adding External LED Indicators and a Piezo Beeper for Arm and GPS Status
"I read on http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/nav-leds/ that the LED_MODE parameter is no longer there, and sure enough I can't find it. Why was it removed? is there no longer a way to change led modes?"
Feb 10, 2015