"That's a great suggestion, but I'm just not sure how it can be done. The plane will be completely out of radio contact (about 90,000 feet altitude) when it is released from the balloon. The release is just a timed release (you can program it in a…"
"Thanks for your reply! I tried setting the I term to zero (also the D term, although probably unnecessary). This time the drift happened almost immediately. See the attached files. I graphed the RCOUT for channels 1 & 2, and the NavPitch. You…"
I have ArduPlane 3.1.1 in a 3DR PixHawk used in a flying wing, configured as a glider (no motor). I've noticed that if I start a Mission to a waypoint (all servos fully armed), but instead of letting the plane fly the mission, I just sit the plane…