"Hey guys, got my new 3dr telemetry in and connected they work great solved all my problems. My guess is one of the others were bad. my iris is up and running great from my ground station. I use mission planner on my nexus with a mini usb to usb…"
"Hi Frank yeah I bought the Iris new from a 3rd party, but 3dr recongnizes it as a new item, they helped me with a firmware issue one i recieved it in the mail, and a gps issue when it flipped on tack off I tried testing the radios together, seprate…"
"here are a few more videosof things i tried tonight, all with no luck, something went wrong after the videos my serial port shorted out to my ground module. So i ordered another set of radios off ebay. I hope these videos helps someone else. I was…"
"Yeah I rest that last night myself I even changed the numbers alittle. when I was done I reset defalts on both. Nothing worked. I am starting to think that one is bad, but afeter the $$ i have spent just to get it setup i would hate to buy another…"
Hi guys and gals my name is Rick I have been searching the forums and youtube channels for help to my issue.I have an Iris+ been trying to set my 3dr telemetry up for a month, first my issue was my LTE 7" max phone wasn't OTG compatible so I ordered…