Hello,Got my new 2.5 apm, I have attached to it my EM406 gps module. First 2-3 times Flying was just brilliant! The plane has very smooth navigated thru all waypoints and then returned to the home position. I was so happy that it works so fine…
Hello,Will APM2 work on this X8 wing ( http://www.fpvflying.com/products/Black-X8-Wing.html ) ?It has only 2 servos..I don`t found firmware configuration for this plane in APM Mission Planner..So will it work?Thanks!
Hello everybody!I both ArduPilot Mega (v1.4) for my boat. With ArdupilotMegaPlanner I have uploaded Firmaware to the board. Than I have done setups in terminal (radio and modes) I set on my 5ch switch manual-auto. On the board I have connected…