I know I am missing something simple. How do you clear the geofence polygon and return point from the mission planner and map display? I can go into the full parameter list and set the number of geofence points to zero but the polygon is still disp
I am using 3.03 firmware on a 2.5 board in an elevon x-8. The plane flies well in manual, stabilize and does a good job following waypoints in auto and rtl. My issue lies in fbwa. The plane is super stable and I have no control authority to pitch
I have read all the guides I can find on this forum on tuning pid to my airframe. When I tune the P in fbw, the aircraft is wild in stabilize. If I tune in stabilize, the airplane flies very well but control throws are very restricted in fbw. The
Is there a way to configure the two popluar osd units that are compatible with the ardusystem to display info in a way that is similar to the range brand osd? The speed and altitude tape display on the sides with the compass on top and horizon line