"I was able to compile it in linux using make, what errors are you getting? If it is complaining about missing libraries, be sure to run make clean first."
"If you are having problems with the servos not moving, check the appropriate slew rate parameter. This threw me off for a while. I have some modified v0.5 firmware if you want it (added guided mode)."
"I've started implementing guided mode in my fork here: https://github.com/stefantj/ardupilot/tree/stefantj-ardupilot
It seems to work well with the 'fly-to' feature, though I have not tested it very much. Let me know how it works for you if you give…"
"When you start, are you pointing the AT north?
It looks like your integral gain (YAW2SRV_I) is set to zero, so the PID loop won't fix a small error. Try increasing it (other people are using 0.01-0.1) and see if it fixes issue (1).
I've also run…"