So my first flight yesterday was very nice. ALT HOLD and Loiter worked pretty great. After that first battery, and since has been slow fly away's until I put it back into stabilize mode. I did a compass_mot and got 12%. If someone could look around t
I set (LOG_BITMASK) to default+imu, then went through auto trim, auto tune. I downloaded the log and I can view it. I just don't know what im looking at. I need someone to tell me whats good, whats bad. I can see my motor shafts vibrating like crazy
Hello, I built a 450 frame quad with the apm mini v3.1, external NEO-6M ublox gps module mounted on antenna about 6" from frames top plate. Performed basic mission planner initial setup accel calib., Compass (Offsets X:-10, Y:-7, Z:55 roation_roll_18